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Elected Officers and Executive Board
- Base Commander: Les Jamison,
- Base Vice Commander: Mark Elftmann,
- Treasurer/Membership: Nicholas Sadowy
- Secretary: Diane Clay
Appointed Officers
- Base Welder: Jerry Wentland
- Chaplain: Howard Grover
- COB: Gene Ratto
- Eagle Scout Coordinator: Gil Miller
- Events Coordinator: Ed McCarthy
- First Call to Morning Chow Coordinator: Harold Fisher
- Folsom JVO Representative: Mark Elftmann
- Guest Speakers Coordinator: Chad Clay
- Historian: Roger Paul
- Holland Club Commander: Lenard lee
- Kaps4Kids Coordinator: Les Jamison
- Naval Youth Liaison: Chad Clay
- Photographer: Roger Paul
- Public Affairs Officer & Newsletter: Barry Wyatt
- Storekeeper & POC: Jerry Wentland
- SubVet Check-in Coordinator: Mark Elftmann
- Webmaster: Ed McCarthy
USSVI District and Regional Officers
- USSVI WR District 5 Commander: Barry Wyatt
- USSVI Western Region Director: Pete Juhos